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Sunday, October 19, 2008

i'm Back!.. Read.. I have somEthing to sharE!!

Wow.. It has been a while, i haven't blogged for how many months i think..
i was busy doing school works.. requirements, project, quizzes and exams are over!..
i'm so happy! but the only sad thing about it is i am missing my friends..huhu..

Anyway!.. i was Freakin' shocked when i checked my CBOX.. a person/blogger named SARAN left me a not-so-good message..(haha).. so i attempted to ask this person and decided to visit his/her site.. so, i clicked on his/her Name and it created a link which opened a Porn site! Crap.. NOT A GOOD JOKE YOU..... HAhai, GOdbless you!!!!!
i immediately closed the site, i was freakin' scared someone might see it!arghh..
so please do not even try clickin' that link!..
Now im wondering, who the hell this blogger is.. or maybe someone used his/her name, foolin' me..
why he/she even did that.. You mad or something??!!..


That's all, i just would like to warn you all about it..(-_-)


Friday, August 8, 2008


CuRRent MooD.. Im cRAving fOr PIZZA!!!... LooKs DelicioUS in the piCture.. i Miss eAting Pizza.. i hoPE i can eat sOOn..(-_-)

That's AlL!c;

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Friday, July 25, 2008

HmM.. INteRestinG!

What Maria Angela Means

You are confident, self assured, and capable. You are not easily intimidated.

You master any and all skills easily. You don't have to work hard for what you want.

You make your life out to be exactly how you want it. And you'll knock down anyone who gets in your way!

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.

You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.

You have the classic "Type A" personality.

You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something.

You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense.

You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.

You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.

You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.

You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.

You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

You are deeply philosophical and thoughtful. You tend to analyze every aspect of your life.

You are intuitive, brilliant, and quite introverted. You value your time alone.

Often times, you are grumpy with other people. You don't appreciate them trying to interfere in your affairs.

You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.

You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.

At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.

You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow.

You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily.

Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Saturday, July 5, 2008

YAH riGhT!

"OnE oF thE harDest ThIngs in LiFe is HavinG woRds in YouR heaRt tHat yOU caN'T UttER"

NotHinG.. I wAntEd tO post ThAT quoTe fOr nothiNg.. iT jUSt cApTuRed mY atTentioN for ReasOn whICh i Can'T fiGUre oUt..(-_-) iSn't iT niCe and TrUe??.. (*_*)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

TraVis BarkeR..!!(*_*)

i Was aMAzed wiTh HOw TraviS bArker MAde the RemIx for "soUlja bOY" usiNg hIs dRUms..It wAs fReakIng CooL!!!!....c; (AFTERSHOCK!)

fOr yOUr inFormAtioN, TravIs BarkEr is One of tHe BEst DRummERs (iN The woRld?!)..
it Was mY fiRst tIme to See hIm gEt wiLD wiTh hIs drUms becAuse i Am nOT rEAllY a big Fan of theIr Band "BlinK182" bUt thEy arE vErY pOpUlar thoUgH.. hE hAs rEmiXes oF "LOw ANd riHanna's "umBreLla", it WAs aLL coOl!!.. iF uR inTereSted tHen waTCh it, iT is so Fun!!c;
oH.. i WouLd lIkE to PlaY drUms buT the Sad thIng is tHat i do nOt hAve a Set oF it..haha dReaM on!!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

i LOve MusiC!!

i LoVe lIsteninG to mUsic, it's onE of mY evEryday acTivities.. i Can't lIve a Day wiThouT heARing oNE.. i Have too Many FavoRites so iF ever u woUld asK me whaT my fAvorite soNg is theN it WouLD take time foR me to answer because seriousLy, it is a very dIffIculT quesTioN!!
wEll, sincE im TalkIng AbouT mUsic.. UhM.. Usher pOppEd into mY minD, mAybe becAuse i hAve heaRed his nEw soNg in the rAdio this morniNg then it was pLAyeD agAin in thE afTernoon.. UHM, iN case U doN't kNow UshER..

Yah, HE's the MAn!!(haha).. i Am rEally a bIG fan of UshER evER since!! and it's bEcause of His stYle in MusiC.. hAve u hEaRd the nEw releaSed sonGs?? hahaaaayyyyy.... iT's cooL... enTitled "LoVe in This CluB" and "MovINg MountAins".. i have Seen tHe videoS as well.. thEy were bOth reAlly cool bUt the videO of "moving mOuntains" was more inTeresting.. WeLL,thAt's onLy mY oPInioN because it waS somEthing new to see FroM UsheR, iT was quIte saD and seriOus..(whOa!)
actually, it was a continuation of thE viDeo "love IN this cluB".. She waS lIke chAsing A gIrl (hOW sad).. WeLL jUz see d viDeO in*_*)

Saturday, June 21, 2008


1.Determine your birthday month and get a word that rhymes with it or you can affix to it. Caps lock your birth month (e.g. MAYday, JUNE dune, APRILicious, JULYvely, AUGUST pocus, parched MARCH). Be unique.
2.Your birth month plus the word affixed or rhymed shall become the tag’s title in your case.

3.Get your birthday and add the digits involved. Example, if your birthday falls on the 25th of July, add 2 and 5 you get 7.

4.Whatever is the sum, write a list of the gifts you wish to receive, the number of which shall correspond to the sum of your birthday. For example, applying the case above (in rule number 3), you will write seven (7) things you wish to receive.

5.After your wish list, put your name and birthday in the Bloggers’ Birthday Directory, with a link to your blog/s. Note: when you add your birthday, please place it in a way that the dates appear chronological (January, February… 1, 2, 3)

6.Pass this tag meme by tagging as many people as you want.

Bloggers' Birthday Directory:

February 14 - Ethyl Alcohol | February 14 - Tin | February 18 - Nancy | February 18 -Belen | February 20 - Caryl | February 23 - Jammy | March 7 - Mari | March 28 - Jaja Nicotine | April 13 - Tere |
| May 3 - Vannie | May 8 - Joan Joyce | May 27 - Zang Caesar | July 16 - Chesca | August 27 - Francine | La Place de Cherie | Cherie | September 1 - Lynn | September 2 - Chikai | September 30 - Mckhoii | December 18 - Joshua Ong YS | December 19 - Alpha | October 2 - Hailey/ October4- AngeLa

Tagging Anniniput, Veniz, and anyone else who wanTs to use it!..c;


OcToBERsupErrrr...anD whAtever....(haha)

uHm.. 4 thiNgs i wish to receive are:

1. Brand New Car..(*_*)
2. NEw cEllpHone UniT..
3. Flat scReen TV
4. PSP

nEH.. iT's all suPerficial..hehe..

Friday, June 20, 2008


fInally!! i Got it fiXed!!! yEah.. im TAlkinG abOut my LapTop...

wEll, It waS not reAlly me who gave an eFfort to fix it.. It wAs mY bROtHEr..
All i Did waS comPlain becaUSe i HAve no iDea ABoUt wHat went wROng..haha

AnyWay, enOugh abOuT the CraP.. it's fixed Na nGA...c;

AnoTher probLEm occurs... aLl mY time wiLl be spEnt oN brOWsing/SurfiNg the inTernet iNStead of stUdyinG for my Quizzes/eXAms..

i dOn't kNOw how to manAge my timE!!!...gRrrRRr......

let'S see whAt migHt happen..

i'll TrY my besT... wISh me lUck...(*_*)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

..i hAve noThing to sAy..

i'm HAving proBlems loGging in tO my FavoriTe websiTes uSing my PersOnal comPuTer!!...
iT's reAlly aNNoying, i'm losiNg my tEmper...

oN the bRigHt siDe, i cAn foCUs on mY studiEs.. (*_*)

i HAve tO use My inTernet aCcess cArd in oUr sCHool liBrary jUSt to CHecK my
fRiendSter aCCoount and mY blOg..hahAi....(hOw unforTnate)

i'LL be checKIng g thiS onCE in a whIle... i'M goNna mIss dis..HuHU..(haha)

maY GoD bLEss aLL of US!!!!...c;

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

aBouT ME..(*_*)

Thanks VeNiz for this tag.. ViNe...c;

Here are the Rules for this tag:Remove one (1) question from below and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag eight (8) people on your list. List them out at the end of this post.

1. What is your favorite food?- Too ManY to MentioN!!

2. What was your happiest moment when you were a child?- PlAyiNg wIth mY fRieNDs..c;

3. Where is the place that you want to go the most?- PArIs

4. When is your birthday?- October 4

5. When you encounter a sad moment, what do you do?- i PrAy siLentLy..

6. What are you afraid to lose the most?- My FamIly

7. If you win $1 million, what would you do?- uHm..iNvEst??hehe.. ShAre iT wiTh mY faMily aNd fRieNDs..c;

8. What is the saddest moment for you last year (2007)?- i Can'T reMembEr...

9. how old are you? 18

10. How do you cope with boredom?- watch movie, eat, sleep.. sleep.. sleep..hehehe

11. Till now, what is the moment that you regret the most?- uHm.. i HAVe NO idEa...
12. What type of person do you hate the most?- "FeeLing" and soCial cLimbEr

13. What is your ambition?- tO gRaduate! tO haVe a wOnderFul CarEer! tO....oooo ManY to MentioN!!hehehe
14. If you had one wish, what would you wish for?- tO havE 100 more wisHEs..wahaha (wise!)

15. How did you celebrate New Year?- eAt.. Eat.. eAt.. JumP..?!.. UnFortunateLy, fIrewoRks aRe pRohIbitEd hEre in DavAo.. Too bad!!!....

16. What has been the craziest thing you’ve ever done in your whole life?- iMpersOnatIOn of My tEachEr.. goOd ThiNg, sHe lAuGhed..hahaha
17. Do you still remember your first love?- nOt Yet iN my ReCOrd.. haha
18. What do you look forward for this year(2008)? - tO gEt gOod gRades..c;
19. What is your inspiration in life?- fAmily, GOD, FriEnDs..

20. If you given the chance to go back in your past, in what part of your life will you go back for a day?- it's a verY diFficUlt quesTioN.. i Can't thInk of a pArtiCulaR mOment....

Now I'm tagging... nEh, anYonE caN use thIs..c; HAve fUN!!haha

MY ReVeLatiOns...;p

Tag from KATE...! ThaNk U!!!!c;

Participants: Tere-Blessing in Life 2.Yen- Me and Mine 3.Aggie - Pink and Brown Diaries. 4. Mich - Random Thoughts 5. Vannie - FunFierceFab 6. Jane - My Charmed Life. 7. Abie – Women Xplore 8. Jody - In This Game of Life 9. Eds – Just Me. 10. something purple 11.vanity kit 12. em's detour 13. mind bubbles 14. In Demand Opinions 15. Sweet Lullaby 16. MJ's Hurrah17. Buzzing Around 18. Tasteful Voyage 19. A Mom's Note 20. moms..... check nyo 21. Technotrend 22. Ness 23.Filipino love stories 24. Lisa 25. joy ball 26.Katelove's , 27. AngEla sweet Life

1.What do you want for your birthday? UhM.. inCrease in mY alLOwanCe! aNd a car pLease...
2. Who will be your next kiss? No, not yet! No KissIng muna.. StIll sAviNg my fIrSt kiss..hahaha
3. When was the last time you went to the mall? tUeSday

4. Are you wearing socks right now? NopE
5. How did you spend your summer? i Took suMmer cLasses; then 2weeks at home doing nothing!...(-_-)
6. Have you been to the cinema in the last 5 days? NoPe
7. What was the last thing you had to drink? CoKE
8. What are you wearing right now? PaJamas
9. What was your last purchase? fOOd!
10. What was the last food you ate? uHm.. RiCe, RiCe, rIcE..hahaha fRied cHicken...
11. Who would be the person you would call if you were up in the middle of the night and couldn’t sleep? God
12. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?NoPe
13. Do you have a pet? NoPE
14. What made you laugh in the last 5 days? My FriEndsssssssssss!!.
15. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? aT HomE--SlEEpiNg
16. What is the last thing you purchased online? NOne
17. One thing you hate about yourself?iT's HarD for me to tRusT.
18. Do you miss anyone? Uhm.. i mis mY mommY evEryday..c;
19. What are your plans for the day? Do mY aSsigNmenTS
20. Last person you sent message? mY "Kulit and MalDito" fReN..haha
21. Ever went to a camp? yah
22. Are you a good student in school? Yah.. i tHink so..(*_*)
23. What do you know about the (your) future? I'll Be a Good mOther and a Wife..haha
24. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?Yah..
25. Where is/are your best friend/s right now? in tHeir Own HOme..hehe

Sunday, June 8, 2008

BabiEs-- vErY PrEciOUs!!(*_*)

Precious one,
So small,
So sweet

Dancing in
on angel feet
Straight from Heaven's
brightest star

What a miracle
you are!

yEp..Babies.. ThEy aRE lIkE liTTlE aNgeLS..(*_*)

wELl, eVen tHOugh i LoVE babiEs sOOoo mUch..
i Don't Have pLaNs fOr havIng One yET!..HAhahahah

i JuSt wOUld lIke to shARe HOw i AdORe thEM, i fEeL hiGh wHEn i sEe onE;
i WaNna KisS, HuG anD GraB tHem bUt i Get so WoRRiEd wHEn They arE abOUt tO cRY(heHE).... ThEy aRe FUN!! yOu Are nOt ur NORmAl sElf whEn u Are With tHeM( iF u KNow whAt i MEan)... u HAve to uSe tHeiR laNgUAge--"BabY TALk"-- thaT EveN thEir lIttLe sElves WouLdn't uNdERstand..haha

Oh! i LovE BAbiES! tHey aRE CuTe, iNNocEnt anD wonDerFuL as ThEY arE..c;

Saturday, May 31, 2008

whAt's up wiTh EMOs?

whAt's up wiTh EMOs?

Well most people would consider it punk with emotion; classification of a new rising way of feeling your inner self.
From the music with strong emotion and feeling, unlike hard rock or this is more of an alternative way to let your feeling be known.Emo is not only a classification or a type of music it's also taken over the way one expresses themself by dressing. It includes the tighter fiting pants to the dyed-black or dark hair with it covering your face. The longer hair in front with the spikes in the back is also a more Emo- or emotional look to dressing. Emo is also being known as for the hot emo guys and emo girls kissing. From pictures all on the web to the music videos. Hot emo girl to girl and well as hot emo guy to guy is becoming more and more adventurous and more open concluding; Emo meaning being comfortable with oneself. Its a more direct way of altering the feelings one has without words, just emotion.

wEll, i CaN say i'm Not one oF THeM whEn iT coMes tO Fashion anD styLE Of LivInG buT i ThiNK theY arE CoOl..c;

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

ToP GrOssiNg FiLMs oF 2008!

ThE ChRoNicles oF NaRniA: PrInCE CasPiAn

Directed by
Andrew Adamson


A New Age Has Begun.

Everything you know is about to change forever.

PlOt SyNoPSis:

Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy are transposed from a country railway station to an island in Narnia when young Prince Caspian X - who is heir to the throne at Cair Paravel, and is in danger in a battle against the Telmarine seige of Narnia - has blown Queen Susan's magic horn. King Miraz (Caspian's Uncle), a tyrant who murdered Caspian's father (Caspian IX), has claimed the throne. After Miraz's wife Queen Prunaprismia gave birth to a son, Miraz planned to kill off Caspian X. However, young Prince Caspian managed to escape into Old Narnia and unite with "the creatures that lived in hiding." With the help of Glenstorm the Centaur, Trufflehunter (a loyal badger), Trumpkin (a skeptical but dedicated dwarf), Reepicheep (a valiant mouse) and scores of other species of friendly Narnian animals, Caspian forms an army to meet Miraz's countless, mighty human warriors.

In an early battle, the Narnians make strategic mistakes, many animals die, and they are forced to retreat. Trumpkin intercepts the Pevensies shortly after their arrival at the ruins of Cair Paravel (once a peninsula - now the island they were summoned to when Caspian sounded Queen Susan's horn). As they travel toward Aslan's How (the location of the destroyed Stone Table - now an underground fortress, and the loyal Narnians' defense), the war between good and evil escalates. A rebel Narnian dwarf harbors enemies, Aslan appears to Lucy, and the Pevensies finally unite with Caspian.

High King Peter drafts a challenge, which King Edmund presents to the Lords Glozelle and Sopespian. Angered by his counsel's subtle (but intentional) doubt of his bravery, King Miraz insists on accepting the challenge. With both armies surrounding them on the Beruna landscape, Miraz and Peter draw swords and duel fiercely.

In a moment of the fight, Miraz is knocked to the ground. Astoundingly, his own lords stab him in the back and then shout out that Peter has killed him egregiously. All at once an immense battle amasses - the Second Battle of Beruna - as the Telmarines and the Narnians fight for autonomy of the land...

In the culmination of the battle, Aslan renews the land. He calls forth the dryads (tree spirits) to dance again; he awakens the river god, who then destroys a massive man-made wooden bridge over the Fjords of Beruna; and he beckons Bacchus and Silenus, and their merry maidens, who run throughout the landscape as far as the town of Beaversdam celebrating.

In Prince Caspian, humans had come to constitute a large portion of the population in Narnia. But in the Golden Age of Narnia, when the Pevensies fulfilled a prophecy by taking throne, they were the only humans in Narnia. Aslan tells Caspian how his ancestors came into Narnia. He reveals that they actually originated from the same Earth as the Pevensies. Years ago, pirates in the "South Sea" (of our world) came upon an island, and, after entering a cave, fell (through a chasm) into Telmar. Telmar is the country to the West of Narnia. After many years in Narnian time, the Telmarines, who suffered famine and internal conflict, invaded and seiged Narnia. During this time, the animals of Narnia fled into hiding, as the human Telmarines came to dominate the land. Prince Caspian was the tenth in a line of kings by that name.

There appear to be some considerable differences in the motion picture in order to complement the story on-screen. The opening scenes portray the birth of Prince Caspian's cousin followed by a narrow escape in a spectacular chase scene. It is while running away, as opposed to within Aslan's How, that Caspian sounds Queen Susan's horn. The Pevensies are summoned not from a country station, but an underground London railway station. Lewis placed Caspian's character as an adolescent, whereas the actor portraying him, Ben Barnes, is in his mid-twenties. There is a scene in the book in which a hag suggests calling upon the spirit of the White Witch to assist Prince Caspian in a time of desperation. Although this "ritual" is never performed in the book, it is begun in the movie and visually manifested until interrupted by one of Caspian's allies. A night raid on Miraz's castle has been added to the plot as a surprise attack. There are a few additional characters such as Lord Scythley and Lord Donnovan, who, while not a part of the original story, will probably have roles similar to those of the Lords Glozelle and Sopespian.

"Prince Caspian" is a story of deliverance and restoration with some intriguing aspects of Narnian history, culture, and mythology.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Steven Spielberg

Monday, May 26, 2008

i LuV mY fRENS!!..c;

TheSE pIcTures Are tHe mOmenTS wiTh mY UniqUE, FuNNy anD TrUe FreNS!!

85%=HaPPy-gO-luCkY 15%=seRiouS

wE maY lOok vErY NOrmAl, doN'T be DeCeiVE! we Do a LoT oF cRAzY ThiNGs..
BuT wE arE serioUs wiTh oUr stUdiEs cOz wE havE so ManY pLAns In lIfE!

We LovE to EaT aNd HanG oUt in A plAce wHerE we CouLd TAlk aNd LAuGH..

weLL, i caN saY wE arE paRT of The GoOd YOuTH in The sOCiEty..(haha)
whY? coz wE dO noT smOKe, we Don't TakE adDicTiVe dRuGs(sCary!) AnD wE dO noT
dO anYthIng tHAt wud LAbEl us as BAd pErsOns..(wiNK!)

aCtUallY, alL we dO is EaT, LauGH, TalK, bOnD, Eat(haha)..

My lIfE wiThoUT tHeM is BOrIng anD sAd!(vERy mUch!)
cOz thEy Are tHE pErsOns whO unDerStanD evEryTHing AboUt mE..
wHO aCCepTs mE FoR who I aM..c;

anD iF evER mY frEns arE rEAdinG thIs nOw, ThEY're pRoBAblY lAuGhiNg Coz tHis iS quITe a sERioUs ThiNG to sHAre in PUbLIc anD wE dON't uSualLy TAke thIS as A tOPiC (iT's too mUshY)!!haha

bUt iF evEr tHeY arE rEaDiNg tHiS..
I LUv U DaYS aND PrENgs!! i mISs u evERyDAy!!hahaha..c;

Sunday, May 25, 2008

FuN GAmE!!! TrY it..c;

Family Restaurant

Click here to play this game

ThiS gAme iS cAlled "FamIly ResTAuRAnT"..
it's vErY fUn anD iNterEstinG cOz YoU'LL bE
CooKinG and DesIgNIng diSheS tO be SerVed in
uR ResTAuRAnt!!

thE gOal Is tO MAKe iT a 5stAr ResTauRAnt!!


Saturday, May 24, 2008

PaRAMoRE!!-- My HEaRt(*_*)

oNe oF the cooL soNgs of PArAmoRe!!

---->CooL chiCk Hayley Williams (lead vocals/keyboard), Josh Farro (lead guitar/backing vocals), Jeremy Davis (bass guitar), and Zac Farro (drums). The group released their debut album All We Know Is Falling in 2005, and their second album Riot! in 2007, which was certified gold.

SwEEt LiFe @

..LifE is FuLL of SuPerFicIaLity, LaY bAcK anD rELax To SeE itS PrOfOUnDnEss..

hEy! dO nOt ExPecT from LiFE, Let LiFe ExPeCT fRoM yOu..

ThERe is So mUcH to SEe aNd ExPeriEnCE sO....

i have Learned so much from my Philosophy Class..
ThoUgh it was OftEn BorIng but in thE end Of EvERy sessIon

WhAT i ThoUGHt AboUT mySelF and My LIfE??

DaMn, I THoUGht tHat the PriNciPLes i HoLD on To
weRe all Right And what I oNLY neEdeD bUt ThEn..

It TUrNed OUt AlMOst ALL WRONG...WhEW...

PriNcIPleS OF PhILosOPHY......


WhAt wAs "boRinG" wAs NOt BORinG aFTer ALL!!..c;

..AsIde FrOm the FActs Of PhILosoPhY..


GiRl StUFF...! wEll, BoY StUff as weLL...hMfp..;p

VeRy HiLAriOuS!! -->JeFF DuNHam

sEe hoW gOod JeFF DunHAm!! hE iS hAvinG a FuNNy cOnvERsAtIOn wiTh his PuPPeTs--"PeAnUt" ,"jOse JaLapENo","lIttLe JeFF" anD "woRm in a BOttLe".

4 PuPPetS WiTh 1 JeFF dUnHAm? HoW's ThAt?!

MaN! jEfF DuNhAm iS vERy gOOd..c;

i GuArantEe yoU, iT's NOt CoRnY anD BoRInG.. YoU'LL lOVe iT!!.

HavE FUN!!..c;

Friday, May 23, 2008

..HoT HOt HOT..!!..;p


Orlando Jonathan Blanchard Bloom[1] (born 13 January 1977) is an English actor. He had his break-through role in the early 2000s as the elf-prince Legolas in The Lord of the Rings[2] and blacksmith Will Turner in the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy of films, and subsequently established himself as a lead in Hollywood films, including Troy, Elizabethtown and Kingdom of Heaven. Bloom most recently appeared in the sequels Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest and Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. Bloom made his stage debut in In Celebration at the Duke of York`s Theatre, St. Martin`s Lane, which ended its run on September 15, 2007.[3]


William Bradley "Brad" Pitt[1] (born December 18, 1963) is an American actor, film producer, and social activist. He became famous during the mid 1990s after starring in several major Hollywood films.[2] Pitt received a Golden Globe Award and an Academy Award nomination for his role in the 1995 film Twelve Monkeys.[2]

Pitt is consistently cited by popular media as one of the most attractive men alive[2][3][4][5] and is regarded as a Hollywood A-lister.[6] His former marriage to actress Jennifer Aniston and current relationship with Angelina Jolie have been widely covered in the world media.[2] He is the father of four children with Jolie, one biological, all of whom have also received media coverage. Since his connection with Jolie, he has become increasingly involved in social issues, both domestically and internationally.

PRinCe WiLLiAm

Prince William of Wales (William Arthur Philip Louis; born 21 June 1982) is the elder son of Charles, Prince of Wales and the late Diana, Princess of Wales, he is also the elder brother of Prince Harry. He is second in the line of succession to the British throne and those of each of the other Commonwealth Realms. As the son of the Prince of Wales and the grandson of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Prince William is a member of the British Royal Family. He was the first prince to be born into the immediate royal family since the birth of Prince Edward in 1964.

DaNiEl RaDcLiFFe

Daniel Jacob Radcliffe[1][2] (born 23 July 1989)[3] is an English film, television and stage actor. He is best known for playing Harry Potter in each of the first five films based on the best-selling Harry Potter book series, and will also appear in the final three films of the series.[4]

Thursday, May 22, 2008

LisT of CoOl and OuTstAndiNG wOmeN!


Oprah Gail Winfrey (born January 29, 1954), often referred to simply as Oprah, is an American television host, media mogul, and philanthropis

MaRiAh CarEYMariah Carey (born March 27, 1970) is an American singer-songwriter, record producer and actress. She made her recording debut in 1990 under the guidance of Columbia Records executive Tommy Mottola, and became the first recording artist to have her first five singles top the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 chart

HeY GiRL!!

..Mind your manners..

Sit up straight. Keep your elbows off the table. Don't talk with food in your mouth. Never eat with your fingers. If you think table manners are a pain today, you should have been around just a few decades ago when the old adage "children should be seen and not heard" was the rule. The problem extends, however, into the twenty first century world of fast foods and hectic schedules. Even though you haven't been taught them, somehow you're still supposed to be learned about matters of etiquette.
Beinggirl decided to clear up some of the confusion by supplying a few facts about the formal manners business. Why bother with a bunch of hoity-toity rules someone else created a long time ago? Because manners, wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson, are the happy ways of doing things. Rules were meant to make the experience of dining pleasant, thoughtful and tidy. If the disapproval of the etiquette cops in your life makes you feel uncomfortable, look over these facts.
if you are invited to a dinner where your knowledge of table manners is being tested, remember:
  • Don't start to eat before the hostess begins her meal.
  • Never dip bread into the remnants of gravy, sauce, or soup. You may, however, place the bread in the fluid and then cut it with a knife and fork.
  • While we're discussing bread, only butter that section of bread you're going to eat in the next bite. Tear the bread with your hands, not your teeth.
  • Whether you cut spaghetti with a knife or not, never let it dangle off the fork and never slurp it up.
  • Never dip your tortilla chip into a communal bowl of salsa. Pour a portion of any sauce onto your place and dip from there.
  • Guide your soup spoon away from the body. Then center it over the bowl to let drippings fall before bringing the spoon to your mouth.
  • You may place your elbows on the table between courses.
  • If you drop a utensil on the floor, ignore it.
  • You should always taste food before adding salt or pepper.
  • If you are eating with someone who has a piece of spinach between his teeth, do you tell him? Yup, it's kinder than saying nothing, since the problem is so easily solved.
  • If you're eating a piece of meat that has a serious bone, and there's still meat on that bone, and you can't cut it with a knife, can you pick it up? A qualified yes but leave a bit of meat on the bone. Tearing it up in company is a no-no.
  • And if you're ever asked to set a table, here are the easy to remember rules for utensil placement. Those with five letters...knife, spoon, glass...go on the right (also five letters). The fork, which is the only utensil with four letters, goes on the left (also four letters).

..FaMe anD FasHioN!..

GiRLs LoVe to PaRTy! hERe arE diFferEnt OutfIts tHat a GiRL sHOulD weAr!!">


wHy do GirLs lOve to ParTy??

AnSwer is.. GiRLs Just WaNNa hAve Fun!!..c;

Hanging Out

Hey girls,

Hanging Out is a space created just for you and other being girl members so you can chat with each other and have fun. Share your interests, make new friends, and just be a girl! Tell your friends to stop by, too!

Before you chat ‘til you, uh, drop, you need to know how to be safe on what your grandmother calls the 'information highway.' There is no way for us to ensure that everyone chilling out here is a cookie cutter teenage girl. Get a sense of who you are talking to. If the questions get too personal and make you feel uncomfortable, you have the right to remove yourself from the conversation. Every girl is born with senses, know how to use them! If you don’t feel right about talking to someone, you don’t have to. Bail out and report it.

Keeping Hanging Out safe starts with YOU. Don’t ask anyone for information that may be too personal and put them in danger. Don’t ever give out your phone number, address (snail or e-mail), or any other facts that could possibly put you or your family at risk.

So hang out here all you want! If you have a problem and need advice, just ask! If you want to know what other girls like you do for fun, post a comment! Hanging Out is THE spot to meet new people and learn new things. Be silly, be fun, be safe, be smart, be nice 'be a girl!'