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Friday, June 20, 2008


fInally!! i Got it fiXed!!! yEah.. im TAlkinG abOut my LapTop...

wEll, It waS not reAlly me who gave an eFfort to fix it.. It wAs mY bROtHEr..
All i Did waS comPlain becaUSe i HAve no iDea ABoUt wHat went wROng..haha

AnyWay, enOugh abOuT the CraP.. it's fixed Na nGA...c;

AnoTher probLEm occurs... aLl mY time wiLl be spEnt oN brOWsing/SurfiNg the inTernet iNStead of stUdyinG for my Quizzes/eXAms..

i dOn't kNOw how to manAge my timE!!!...gRrrRRr......

let'S see whAt migHt happen..

i'll TrY my besT... wISh me lUck...(*_*)

1 comment:

The Siraniks said...

you need to do time management... hehe...