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Sunday, June 8, 2008

BabiEs-- vErY PrEciOUs!!(*_*)

Precious one,
So small,
So sweet

Dancing in
on angel feet
Straight from Heaven's
brightest star

What a miracle
you are!

yEp..Babies.. ThEy aRE lIkE liTTlE aNgeLS..(*_*)

wELl, eVen tHOugh i LoVE babiEs sOOoo mUch..
i Don't Have pLaNs fOr havIng One yET!..HAhahahah

i JuSt wOUld lIke to shARe HOw i AdORe thEM, i fEeL hiGh wHEn i sEe onE;
i WaNna KisS, HuG anD GraB tHem bUt i Get so WoRRiEd wHEn They arE abOUt tO cRY(heHE).... ThEy aRe FUN!! yOu Are nOt ur NORmAl sElf whEn u Are With tHeM( iF u KNow whAt i MEan)... u HAve to uSe tHeiR laNgUAge--"BabY TALk"-- thaT EveN thEir lIttLe sElves WouLdn't uNdERstand..haha

Oh! i LovE BAbiES! tHey aRE CuTe, iNNocEnt anD wonDerFuL as ThEY arE..c;


Ma'arab said...

Wonderful Pictures! - Spreading Love and Friendship.

Tisha said...

u'r an angel baby