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Sunday, June 22, 2008

i LOve MusiC!!

i LoVe lIsteninG to mUsic, it's onE of mY evEryday acTivities.. i Can't lIve a Day wiThouT heARing oNE.. i Have too Many FavoRites so iF ever u woUld asK me whaT my fAvorite soNg is theN it WouLD take time foR me to answer because seriousLy, it is a very dIffIculT quesTioN!!
wEll, sincE im TalkIng AbouT mUsic.. UhM.. Usher pOppEd into mY minD, mAybe becAuse i hAve heaRed his nEw soNg in the rAdio this morniNg then it was pLAyeD agAin in thE afTernoon.. UHM, iN case U doN't kNow UshER..

Yah, HE's the MAn!!(haha).. i Am rEally a bIG fan of UshER evER since!! and it's bEcause of His stYle in MusiC.. hAve u hEaRd the nEw releaSed sonGs?? hahaaaayyyyy.... iT's cooL... enTitled "LoVe in This CluB" and "MovINg MountAins".. i have Seen tHe videoS as well.. thEy were bOth reAlly cool bUt the videO of "moving mOuntains" was more inTeresting.. WeLL,thAt's onLy mY oPInioN because it waS somEthing new to see FroM UsheR, iT was quIte saD and seriOus..(whOa!)
actually, it was a continuation of thE viDeo "love IN this cluB".. She waS lIke chAsing A gIrl (hOW sad).. WeLL jUz see d viDeO in*_*)

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