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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

TraVis BarkeR..!!(*_*)

i Was aMAzed wiTh HOw TraviS bArker MAde the RemIx for "soUlja bOY" usiNg hIs dRUms..It wAs fReakIng CooL!!!!....c; (AFTERSHOCK!)

fOr yOUr inFormAtioN, TravIs BarkEr is One of tHe BEst DRummERs (iN The woRld?!)..
it Was mY fiRst tIme to See hIm gEt wiLD wiTh hIs drUms becAuse i Am nOT rEAllY a big Fan of theIr Band "BlinK182" bUt thEy arE vErY pOpUlar thoUgH.. hE hAs rEmiXes oF "LOw ANd riHanna's "umBreLla", it WAs aLL coOl!!.. iF uR inTereSted tHen waTCh it, iT is so Fun!!c;
oH.. i WouLd lIkE to PlaY drUms buT the Sad thIng is tHat i do nOt hAve a Set oF it..haha dReaM on!!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

i LOve MusiC!!

i LoVe lIsteninG to mUsic, it's onE of mY evEryday acTivities.. i Can't lIve a Day wiThouT heARing oNE.. i Have too Many FavoRites so iF ever u woUld asK me whaT my fAvorite soNg is theN it WouLD take time foR me to answer because seriousLy, it is a very dIffIculT quesTioN!!
wEll, sincE im TalkIng AbouT mUsic.. UhM.. Usher pOppEd into mY minD, mAybe becAuse i hAve heaRed his nEw soNg in the rAdio this morniNg then it was pLAyeD agAin in thE afTernoon.. UHM, iN case U doN't kNow UshER..

Yah, HE's the MAn!!(haha).. i Am rEally a bIG fan of UshER evER since!! and it's bEcause of His stYle in MusiC.. hAve u hEaRd the nEw releaSed sonGs?? hahaaaayyyyy.... iT's cooL... enTitled "LoVe in This CluB" and "MovINg MountAins".. i have Seen tHe videoS as well.. thEy were bOth reAlly cool bUt the videO of "moving mOuntains" was more inTeresting.. WeLL,thAt's onLy mY oPInioN because it waS somEthing new to see FroM UsheR, iT was quIte saD and seriOus..(whOa!)
actually, it was a continuation of thE viDeo "love IN this cluB".. She waS lIke chAsing A gIrl (hOW sad).. WeLL jUz see d viDeO in*_*)

Saturday, June 21, 2008


1.Determine your birthday month and get a word that rhymes with it or you can affix to it. Caps lock your birth month (e.g. MAYday, JUNE dune, APRILicious, JULYvely, AUGUST pocus, parched MARCH). Be unique.
2.Your birth month plus the word affixed or rhymed shall become the tag’s title in your case.

3.Get your birthday and add the digits involved. Example, if your birthday falls on the 25th of July, add 2 and 5 you get 7.

4.Whatever is the sum, write a list of the gifts you wish to receive, the number of which shall correspond to the sum of your birthday. For example, applying the case above (in rule number 3), you will write seven (7) things you wish to receive.

5.After your wish list, put your name and birthday in the Bloggers’ Birthday Directory, with a link to your blog/s. Note: when you add your birthday, please place it in a way that the dates appear chronological (January, February… 1, 2, 3)

6.Pass this tag meme by tagging as many people as you want.

Bloggers' Birthday Directory:

February 14 - Ethyl Alcohol | February 14 - Tin | February 18 - Nancy | February 18 -Belen | February 20 - Caryl | February 23 - Jammy | March 7 - Mari | March 28 - Jaja Nicotine | April 13 - Tere |
| May 3 - Vannie | May 8 - Joan Joyce | May 27 - Zang Caesar | July 16 - Chesca | August 27 - Francine | La Place de Cherie | Cherie | September 1 - Lynn | September 2 - Chikai | September 30 - Mckhoii | December 18 - Joshua Ong YS | December 19 - Alpha | October 2 - Hailey/ October4- AngeLa

Tagging Anniniput, Veniz, and anyone else who wanTs to use it!..c;


OcToBERsupErrrr...anD whAtever....(haha)

uHm.. 4 thiNgs i wish to receive are:

1. Brand New Car..(*_*)
2. NEw cEllpHone UniT..
3. Flat scReen TV
4. PSP

nEH.. iT's all suPerficial..hehe..

Friday, June 20, 2008


fInally!! i Got it fiXed!!! yEah.. im TAlkinG abOut my LapTop...

wEll, It waS not reAlly me who gave an eFfort to fix it.. It wAs mY bROtHEr..
All i Did waS comPlain becaUSe i HAve no iDea ABoUt wHat went wROng..haha

AnyWay, enOugh abOuT the CraP.. it's fixed Na nGA...c;

AnoTher probLEm occurs... aLl mY time wiLl be spEnt oN brOWsing/SurfiNg the inTernet iNStead of stUdyinG for my Quizzes/eXAms..

i dOn't kNOw how to manAge my timE!!!...gRrrRRr......

let'S see whAt migHt happen..

i'll TrY my besT... wISh me lUck...(*_*)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

..i hAve noThing to sAy..

i'm HAving proBlems loGging in tO my FavoriTe websiTes uSing my PersOnal comPuTer!!...
iT's reAlly aNNoying, i'm losiNg my tEmper...

oN the bRigHt siDe, i cAn foCUs on mY studiEs.. (*_*)

i HAve tO use My inTernet aCcess cArd in oUr sCHool liBrary jUSt to CHecK my
fRiendSter aCCoount and mY blOg..hahAi....(hOw unforTnate)

i'LL be checKIng g thiS onCE in a whIle... i'M goNna mIss dis..HuHU..(haha)

maY GoD bLEss aLL of US!!!!...c;

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

aBouT ME..(*_*)

Thanks VeNiz for this tag.. ViNe...c;

Here are the Rules for this tag:Remove one (1) question from below and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag eight (8) people on your list. List them out at the end of this post.

1. What is your favorite food?- Too ManY to MentioN!!

2. What was your happiest moment when you were a child?- PlAyiNg wIth mY fRieNDs..c;

3. Where is the place that you want to go the most?- PArIs

4. When is your birthday?- October 4

5. When you encounter a sad moment, what do you do?- i PrAy siLentLy..

6. What are you afraid to lose the most?- My FamIly

7. If you win $1 million, what would you do?- uHm..iNvEst??hehe.. ShAre iT wiTh mY faMily aNd fRieNDs..c;

8. What is the saddest moment for you last year (2007)?- i Can'T reMembEr...

9. how old are you? 18

10. How do you cope with boredom?- watch movie, eat, sleep.. sleep.. sleep..hehehe

11. Till now, what is the moment that you regret the most?- uHm.. i HAVe NO idEa...
12. What type of person do you hate the most?- "FeeLing" and soCial cLimbEr

13. What is your ambition?- tO gRaduate! tO haVe a wOnderFul CarEer! tO....oooo ManY to MentioN!!hehehe
14. If you had one wish, what would you wish for?- tO havE 100 more wisHEs..wahaha (wise!)

15. How did you celebrate New Year?- eAt.. Eat.. eAt.. JumP..?!.. UnFortunateLy, fIrewoRks aRe pRohIbitEd hEre in DavAo.. Too bad!!!....

16. What has been the craziest thing you’ve ever done in your whole life?- iMpersOnatIOn of My tEachEr.. goOd ThiNg, sHe lAuGhed..hahaha
17. Do you still remember your first love?- nOt Yet iN my ReCOrd.. haha
18. What do you look forward for this year(2008)? - tO gEt gOod gRades..c;
19. What is your inspiration in life?- fAmily, GOD, FriEnDs..

20. If you given the chance to go back in your past, in what part of your life will you go back for a day?- it's a verY diFficUlt quesTioN.. i Can't thInk of a pArtiCulaR mOment....

Now I'm tagging... nEh, anYonE caN use thIs..c; HAve fUN!!haha

MY ReVeLatiOns...;p

Tag from KATE...! ThaNk U!!!!c;

Participants: Tere-Blessing in Life 2.Yen- Me and Mine 3.Aggie - Pink and Brown Diaries. 4. Mich - Random Thoughts 5. Vannie - FunFierceFab 6. Jane - My Charmed Life. 7. Abie – Women Xplore 8. Jody - In This Game of Life 9. Eds – Just Me. 10. something purple 11.vanity kit 12. em's detour 13. mind bubbles 14. In Demand Opinions 15. Sweet Lullaby 16. MJ's Hurrah17. Buzzing Around 18. Tasteful Voyage 19. A Mom's Note 20. moms..... check nyo 21. Technotrend 22. Ness 23.Filipino love stories 24. Lisa 25. joy ball 26.Katelove's , 27. AngEla sweet Life

1.What do you want for your birthday? UhM.. inCrease in mY alLOwanCe! aNd a car pLease...
2. Who will be your next kiss? No, not yet! No KissIng muna.. StIll sAviNg my fIrSt kiss..hahaha
3. When was the last time you went to the mall? tUeSday

4. Are you wearing socks right now? NopE
5. How did you spend your summer? i Took suMmer cLasses; then 2weeks at home doing nothing!...(-_-)
6. Have you been to the cinema in the last 5 days? NoPe
7. What was the last thing you had to drink? CoKE
8. What are you wearing right now? PaJamas
9. What was your last purchase? fOOd!
10. What was the last food you ate? uHm.. RiCe, RiCe, rIcE..hahaha fRied cHicken...
11. Who would be the person you would call if you were up in the middle of the night and couldn’t sleep? God
12. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?NoPe
13. Do you have a pet? NoPE
14. What made you laugh in the last 5 days? My FriEndsssssssssss!!.
15. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? aT HomE--SlEEpiNg
16. What is the last thing you purchased online? NOne
17. One thing you hate about yourself?iT's HarD for me to tRusT.
18. Do you miss anyone? Uhm.. i mis mY mommY evEryday..c;
19. What are your plans for the day? Do mY aSsigNmenTS
20. Last person you sent message? mY "Kulit and MalDito" fReN..haha
21. Ever went to a camp? yah
22. Are you a good student in school? Yah.. i tHink so..(*_*)
23. What do you know about the (your) future? I'll Be a Good mOther and a Wife..haha
24. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?Yah..
25. Where is/are your best friend/s right now? in tHeir Own HOme..hehe

Sunday, June 8, 2008

BabiEs-- vErY PrEciOUs!!(*_*)

Precious one,
So small,
So sweet

Dancing in
on angel feet
Straight from Heaven's
brightest star

What a miracle
you are!

yEp..Babies.. ThEy aRE lIkE liTTlE aNgeLS..(*_*)

wELl, eVen tHOugh i LoVE babiEs sOOoo mUch..
i Don't Have pLaNs fOr havIng One yET!..HAhahahah

i JuSt wOUld lIke to shARe HOw i AdORe thEM, i fEeL hiGh wHEn i sEe onE;
i WaNna KisS, HuG anD GraB tHem bUt i Get so WoRRiEd wHEn They arE abOUt tO cRY(heHE).... ThEy aRe FUN!! yOu Are nOt ur NORmAl sElf whEn u Are With tHeM( iF u KNow whAt i MEan)... u HAve to uSe tHeiR laNgUAge--"BabY TALk"-- thaT EveN thEir lIttLe sElves WouLdn't uNdERstand..haha

Oh! i LovE BAbiES! tHey aRE CuTe, iNNocEnt anD wonDerFuL as ThEY arE..c;