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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

TraVis BarkeR..!!(*_*)

i Was aMAzed wiTh HOw TraviS bArker MAde the RemIx for "soUlja bOY" usiNg hIs dRUms..It wAs fReakIng CooL!!!!....c; (AFTERSHOCK!)

fOr yOUr inFormAtioN, TravIs BarkEr is One of tHe BEst DRummERs (iN The woRld?!)..
it Was mY fiRst tIme to See hIm gEt wiLD wiTh hIs drUms becAuse i Am nOT rEAllY a big Fan of theIr Band "BlinK182" bUt thEy arE vErY pOpUlar thoUgH.. hE hAs rEmiXes oF "LOw ANd riHanna's "umBreLla", it WAs aLL coOl!!.. iF uR inTereSted tHen waTCh it, iT is so Fun!!c;
oH.. i WouLd lIkE to PlaY drUms buT the Sad thIng is tHat i do nOt hAve a Set oF it..haha dReaM on!!!

1 comment:

Gun said...

Great reMix....

LoVe It!!